Partner Program

Being a club president can be even more rewarding if your Rotary partner (spouse/significant other) understands your challenges and becomes part of your success. Partners are invited to PETS to learn what to expect during the coming Rotary year, and a special program has been created for them. To take advantage of this free opportunity, they need to be registered as a partner at the PETS website Click Here to Register


Here is a summary of the 2022 Partners Program:

Friday, February 25, 2022

This program will not be similar to sitting through lectures in college. Through the Southwest PETS Partner Program, you will have a unique opportunity to meet other partners. This will offer you the opportunity to make new friends and establish a network of people who will understand you if you reach out for assistance/advice. We will share some of our experiences when we were in your shoes, an opportunity to serve and help your partner. The goal is to have you know more about Rotary International, its programs and diversity.
3:00—4:30 PM—Welcome and get acquainted
Room: Aviation 1 Ballroom—Lobby Level
3:00—3:20 PM— Remarks by PDG Randy Pote
3:20—4:30 PM—Ice breaker from the best-selling book, The Book of Ichigo Ichie. (The Art of Making the Most of Every Moment, the Japanese Way!)

Saturday, February 26, 2022

9:00—11:30 AM –Rotary 101. Room: Aviation 1 Ballroom—Lobby Level

9:00—10:10 AM – Randy Pote will present information you need to know about Rotary but were afraid to ask. This session will share some of the “nuts and bolts” about our wonderful organization.

10:10—10:20 AM—The role of a Partner: Information about how you can support your partner and be a valuable member in helping the Club be the best it can be while also having fun.

10:20-11:30 AM—How to live with a Club President: This discussion will be led by Rotary International Director Vicki’s partner, Tim Puliz. There will be plenty of time for observations, questions and answers.

2:00-4:00 PM—Service Project Room: Pacific 1—Ballroom Level

You are invited to assist in a service project with YANA Cancer Comfort. This organization (501C3) will tell us how to assemble no-sew fleece blankets. YANA is made up of cancer survivors who provide comfort care packages to individual cancer patients world-wide. Some of the distribution points will be cancer treatment centers, hospital oncology centers and to other cancer patient support centers.